Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay on Irony in Sophocles Oedipus the King - 795 Words

Irony in Sophocles Oedipus In the play Oedipus, irony is used frequently as and as eloquently by Sophocles to the reveal theme of seeking knowledge. Not knowing the King of Thebes, Oedipus, gives speeches on finding the murderer of the King of Laias and how wretched the poor soil will be when the truth is revealed. Then once more I must bring what is dark to light†¦, whoever killed King Laios might- who knows?-might decide at any moment to kill me as well. By avenging the murder of the King, I protect myself, (Sophocles 1109). The speech shows how dedicated Oedipus in the pursuit of the murderer and not only the avenge of the King but to save himself. He will not be saving but adding down to his life. Oedipus doesnt realize he†¦show more content†¦He fears the oracle and wants to do it right by it. But in doing so he will seclude himself from his own people as well as his family. He even prays to God asking him to punish the murderer severely with no avail. I pray that that mans life be consumed in evil and wretchedness†¦ And as for me, this curse applies no less, ( 1112). He is sure that that the curse doesnt apply to him, so he is willing to announce this publicly. He doesnt know that the old man he killed was King Laois. His only concern at this time is to free the city from sickness. He later announces that the King if he had not been killed would have had children and he would act as Laois son and avenge his fathers death. I say I take the sons part, just as though I were his son, to press the fight for him, ( 1112). Not only is he going to battle for the murdered King, but wants all the people in the city and damnation will be their reward. As he continues his search for knowledge, Oedipus brings the only man known to know the truth about the prophet Teiresias. Oedipus feels the truth will now be revealed and satisfaction will come to him. How dreadful knowledge of the truth can be when theres no help in truth†¦, (1114). This speech from Teiresias is not we ll interpeted by Oedipus. He is raged. Oedipus wants Teiresias to speak up and tell what he knows but asShow MoreRelatedThe Role of Irony and Fate in Oedipus The King by Sophocles2933 Words   |  12 PagesPlague and Health Another major theme in Oedipus the King deals with the ideas of plague and health. This theme can be taken as both literal, but metaphorical as well. This theme is literal in the sense that there is a genuine plague affecting Thebes. The health in Thebes only occurs at the end of the play when the plague has disappeared and after Oedipus blinds himself. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Elizabethan Era Free Essays

By definition, a class is a group of people with a related social standing. There are often distinct differences between the classes, denoted by characteristics such as one†s wealth, education, career, and health. These principles applied for the Elizabethan Era as well. We will write a custom essay sample on The Elizabethan Era or any similar topic only for you Order Now Elizabeth herself was a member of the upper class, while other fairly successful people belonged to the middle class. Peasants were the lowest ranked class, usually because they were unfortunate enough to either contract a disease that disabled them from work, or they were farmers that were stricken with poverty when a harvesting season went bad. The â€Å"upper class† consisted mainly of nobility and wealthy landowners. Those in this class generally handled governmental affairs. They also had their children brought up with an education in music, math, and history. It wasn†t rare for many of them to be literate in multiple foreign languages, as well as their own, such as Latin, English, French, and Spanish. Also, the men usually received a better education than the women. The men of nobility were taught extra skills such as horse riding, hunting, shooting, and hawking as well. Because of this class†s social statute and wealth, they were easily able to treat themselves to the best of the food available during their time, especially meaty foods. But because of the large consumption of meat with few vegetables, many eventually suffered from diseases such as scurvy, which is weakness of the bone. The dinnerware consisted of wooden plates, like those of the lower classes, but these were accompanied by other delicacies of the Elizabethan period, such as chairs, forks, and glasses. The favorite drink of all the classes was beer, although the upper class favored wine imported from French vineyards. One custom between the people of this class and the peasants was known as the giving of â€Å"alms† to the poor. This was were a wealthy person would contribute money and sometimes provide supplementary shelter to a less fortunate person. Although the upper class was a minority in Elizabethan times as it is now, it kept the thriving European kingdom alive. The second class of the Elizabethan Period was the â€Å"middle class†. This class usually consisted of merchants and some landowners, although the number of peasants who rose and fell between this class and the lower class varied depending on the health of the seasonal harvest. Those in this class lead a fairly peaceful, easygoing life, other than common household chores and visits to the local market. If possible, they would hire a servant to keep up with some of the household chores, such as the tedious task of clothes washing. They sent their children to a formal school if they could afford it. The parents were so intent for their children to learn the material that they encouraged teachers to beat them if they made mistakes or became lazy. The middle class often could not afford some of the things taken for granted by the upper class, such as chairs instead of stools, forks, glasses, and a large selection of meats. The middle class drove the economy of Britain through its trades with other European countries. The peasants made up the lower class. These people were either ill, lazy, became laborers, or were just turned a bad hand during the harvest season. The laborers and servants served long hours each day handling the least favorable jobs, such as field work and laundry. During bad seasons, as many as 25% could not afford food, and often the most they ever ate was bread. In many cases they turned to thievery, otherwise they would starve. Some were lucky enough to receive â€Å"alms† from the wealthy, but many didn†t, because of their great number. The upper class pitied the peasants that were ill or that couldn†t find work, so they created a system to care for them. If there were able men that were just lazy and rather beg on the streets, a Parish, or the person in charge of the system locally, would send them to a larger city were they would be whipped and then sent back and assigned a job. If a man was ill, then they would often try to take him in and give him enough food to survive on. Widows and their families were also treated in the same manner. In the end, when harvest was well, every class benefited, and it created especially good seasons for the poor, otherwise it was the peasants who suffered most. The classes of the Elizabethan Period established a society which became a model for many present-day cultures. Though not perfect, it still exists today, even in America to some degree. The upper class was the wealthiest and had the most power, while the middle class was mostly involved in trade, and the lower class made up the remainder who were often ill or widowed. How to cite The Elizabethan Era, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Factors Influencing Productivity of Teamwork †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Factors Influencing Productivity of Teamwork. Answer: Introduction Creativity and innovation are two important processes that are necessary for any individual or business to form new ideas or solutions of relevance. This paper aims to identify five such important learning points from the module, and explain two of them in detail as well as their relevance to an individual. Apart from this, the paper also aims to discuss the various steps that need to be followed by an individual in his employment on the completion of the 3rd level of education. The process or idea of creating something new or unusual is considered as creativity. The process of implementation of something new is known as innovation. Creativity and innovation are two important qualities which are necessary for any business organization and is of great significance to an individual. Creativity helps in the formation of a new thought or idea and innovation is the implementation of that thought in practical field. The analysis of the innovation and creativity module reveals numerous learning points out of which, five of them can be stated to be the most important. They are as follows:- Convergence and Divergence thinking- Divergence thinking refers to the process of thought that is utilized for the generation of creative ideas after the exploration of a number of solutions. Convergence thinking on the other hand, is the exact opposite of divergence thinking. It is a problem solving technique that has the presence of accuracy, logic, speed and other characteristics and a conclusion is reached regarding whether the problem could be solved or not. In other words, convergence thinking is more logical and focused on the result however; divergence thinking is more focused on exploring the numerous ideas and outcomes. Pixars view on teams and their importance- According to Pixar, teams are not only important for completing a given task but act as an important source of new ideas and creativity. This is achieved by following certain internal practices in the studio. In order to utilize the creative potential of teams in an effective manner, employees are motivated to not be afraid of failure and be open to feedbacks and criticism, free flow of communication and collaboration with other employees is encouraged (Gilson 2015). Knowledge push as a source of innovation- The knowledge push form of innovation is the process of gaining or forming new thoughts, ideas and opinions after the research and analysis of information from various sources. It emphasizes on the importance and use of scientific research, involving the use of a large network of individuals sharing their creative ideas. Dyson, 3M and Corning are some examples of companies that make use of knowledge push as a source of innovation. Morphological Matrix- The morphological matrix can be considered to be a tool which is utilized for the generation of numerous options. The morphological matrix helps in providing a well structured approach for the generation of unusual or unique options as possibilities or solutions. Da Vincis technique- Leonardo Da Vincis technique of innovation makes use of a number of important steps in order to help in the process of creativity and innovation. It puts more stress on independent thinking. It implies the use of both creative and logical thinking together, as well as observation skills to tap into new areas of innovation and creativity. It states the significance of bringing about a change in the thought pattern and forming a creative or innovative idea. Out of the given five key points of learning from the module, Pixars view on teams and knowledge push innovation can be considered as the most relevant for an individual. The explanations of both these points are stated below:- Pixars view on the importance of teams Pixar is a successful movie studio and the company has experienced financial success from the movies it made. The success of the movies is greatly credited to the creative and collaborative teamwork in the creation process. Pixar teaches us that working in a team can have a great impact in the formation of new ideas if the entire team functions as one and follows certain guidelines. Pixars view focuses more on research and development activities which is greatly important in present times (Somech Drach-Zahavy 2013). Pixars view greatly encourages the exchange of information between team members and employees. The preferred mode of communication is direct and face to face, encouraging the employees to speak up and criticize the decisions or steps that are to be adopted (Strazdas, Cerneviciute Jancoras 2016). Ideas and thoughts are formed not only within groups but are accumulated from sources outside the group as well. Although Pixar is known to hire talented employees, yet individual contributions are not given more importance as working in a collaborative form with a great deal of communication taking place within the team (Gilson 2015). In the present times, Pixars view is greatly significant for individuals since it stresses on teamwork, the practice of which is prevalent in almost all business organizations (Rodrguez-Snchez et al. 2017). Apart from this, individuals are also motivated by teaching them to accept criticism as a way to evaluate what went wrong and what improvements could be made (Alcntara). It also helps individuals understand that the process of creativity requires time and patience. A good idea is not formed suddenly or in a rush and it takes time to build on it. Lastly, it talks about the importance of possessing an eye for detail as it would help in forming a product of great appeal for the consumers, as was the case with successful films like Wall-E, Toy Story 2, Up and so on (Fiascone Christense n 2014). Da Vincis technique of innovation- Leonardo Da Vincis technique of innovation can be considered to be another important source of innovation for an individual. According to Da Vinci, independent thinking is an important quality that must be possessed by an individual. The presence of independent thinking adds to a great deal of diversity in the thought process and helps bring about a change in the way an individual thinks. This technique states that an individual must break away from existing assumptions regarding a problem and instead, making use of techniques like reverse brainstorming, the six thinking hats, SCAMPER, the utilization of different media forms and other techniques to explore the different aspects of a problem and form a solution (Shlain 2014). Da Vincis technique allows an individual to break free from the established parameters of creativity and innovation, tapping into uncanny areas for acquiring new thoughts and ideas. According to Da Vinci, the use of proper obse rvation skills and connecting of two irrelevant subjects into one are some great sources of innovation, that help formulate fresh new ideas. Da Vinci also stated that existing solutions to problems should be analyzed and deduced which would help in the formation of a solution better than the one before. Most importantly, Da Vincis technique talks about the importance of connecting creative thinking with logical thinking since it has often been observed that a creative idea may sound good but is actually unfit for application in reality (Csikszentmihalyi 2014). Therefore, the use of Da Vincis techniques of creativity in innovation would help an individual to form unique thought patterns and ideas, possess a sharp sense of curiosity and maintain a much-needed balance between the mind and the body, having a great relevance in todays competitive market. The education system in Ireland comprises of three levels, namely primary, secondary and higher levels of education. The higher level of education is also known as the third level. The steps that should be taken by an individual in his first employment after leaving the third level, in order to apply his creativity and innovation are as follows:- Generation of new ideas and their mobilization- This refers to the formation of an idea may which may be a result of an existing idea or solution. An example of this can be seen in Apples creation of the iPod, the idea of which originated from the already existent mp3 player in the market. However, Apples innovation was the iPod created by it had a capacity of storing more songs than an average mp3 player. Similarly, existent ideas can be tapped into and changed, to aid in the formation of new ideas (Serrat 2017). Experimentation- It is the process involved in the testing of an idea and understanding if it is applicable in the practical field. Prototypes are used to examine and evaluate the outcomes of the idea or thought and necessary changes take place accordingly (Anderson, Poto?nik Zhou 2014). Evaluation- It can be stated as the most important step since evaluation helps in understanding the advantages and limitations of an idea and what changes can be made to remove the drawbacks. It analyzes the impacts of implementing an idea in real life. Discussions are arguments are important for evaluation as they help in adding new ideas to the pool of thoughts. It is due to this reason that working in teams is given more emphasis. Apart from these, the organization should also provide feedback and set up proper screening and evaluation protocols to arrive at a desirable conclusion regarding the application of a new creative idea. Commercialization of ideas- This refers to the process of setting up a market value for an idea keeping in the impact it may have on the market/consumers. It is mostly concerned with the demonstration and persuasion of the idea and its benefits to the consumers rather than focusing on the development of the idea. Diffusion and implementation of idea- This process is concerned with the acceptance of an idea in the organization and the numerous steps involved in implementing the idea on a practical field. The presence of suitable resources along with a proper marketing plan is recommended for attaining success in the implementation of the idea. The diffusion and implementation process also sets up the possibility of potential future ideas that focus on other subjects regarding market and consumer needs (Wang Miao 2015). Conclusion Therefore the conclusion can be drawn that the presence of skills in creativity and innovation are important for individuals and business organizations in a similar scale. In the current competitive market, the formation and implementation of new ideas and innovations is in much demand, and would help boost a companys financial growth significantly. The rate of competition is high and the consumers are in constant need of innovative products. Hence, individuals today, are expected to follow the necessary steps in order to tap in to new sources of creative ideas and contribute to adding more innovative and creative products into the mix, satisfying consumer needs. References Alcntara, J.E., FAIL BETTER: OR, WHAT CAN TEACHERS OF PREACHING LEARN FROM IMPROVISATIONAL PERFORMERS AND FROM PIXAR? Anderson, N., Poto?nik, K. and Zhou, J., 2014. Innovation and creativity in organizations: A state-of-the-science review, prospective commentary, and guiding framework.Journal of Management,40(5), pp.1297-1333. Csikszentmihalyi, M., 2014. Creativity and genius: A systems perspective. InThe Systems Model of Creativity(pp. 99-125). Springer Netherlands. Fiascone, R. and Christensen, M., 2014. Disney Pixar: Building a Magic Kingdom of Animation. Gilson, L.L., 2015. Creativity in Teams.The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries, p.50. Gilson, L.L., 2015. Creativity in Teams.The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries, p.50. Rodrguez-Snchez, A.M., Devloo, T., Rico, R., Salanova, M. and Anseel, F., 2017. What makes creative teams tick? Cohesion, engagement, and performance across creativity tasks: A three-wave study.Group Organization Management,42(4), pp.521-547. Serrat, O., 2017. Harnessing creativity and innovation in the workplace. InKnowledge Solutions(pp. 903-910). Springer, Singapore. Shlain, L., 2014.Leonardo's Brain: Understanding Da Vinci's Creative Genius. Rowman Littlefield. Somech, A. and Drach-Zahavy, A., 2013. Translating team creativity to innovation implementation: The role of team composition and climate for innovation.Journal of management,39(3), pp.684-708. Strazdas, R., Cerneviciute, J. and Jancoras, Z., 2016, June. Factors influencing productivity of teamwork in creative industries. InISPIM Innovation Symposium(p. 1). The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). Wang, G. and Miao, C.F., 2015. Effects of sales force market orientation on creativity, innovation implementation, and sales performance.Journal of Business Research,68(11), pp.2374-2382.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

My Diary Essays (353 words) - , Term Papers

My Diary Dear Diary, Today was a pretty same old same old day. I woke up to Alia scrambling around her room at ten to seven, I was laughing cause I think she was looking for me(she never looks hard enough) finally her cat Princess jumped on her vanity and I rolled on to the floor. Alia found me put me onI feel so loved and needed when she does that.and put me in the pocket of her cute Lauzares uniform..(her private school).it is so cute..its a short little green red and navy plaid skirt..a white collared shirt and a red tiehigh socks..cute little mary janes..its adorable. Well anyways as I was sayingshe put me in her pocket and she drove to school.and her little friends were there waiting for her to fill he in the latest Lauzares gossip ..she walked into school and of course..applied so special!!!..and then went to her pink locker..there art club were board and so for a project the painted the whole school all these brite colorshe locker is so pretty he books are all nice and neat with he mirror, cute little magnetic memo pad, and pictures of her friends and her.i was nice and comfy in her locker until next periodthen the coolest thing of all match maker me.accidently fell on the f loor on the way out of chemistry.right in front of the hottest head foot ball playerhe picked me up for her ..she put me in her pocket ..made eye contact and he ended up walking her to her Speach and Drama class.she also has a date with him on Friday thank me very much.well that was the high light of my if you would excuse me a beautimaker need her rest to. Poetry Essays

Monday, November 25, 2019

Make a Liquid Layers Density Column

Make a Liquid Layers Density Column When you see liquids stack on top of each other in layers, its because they have different densities from each other and dont mix well together. You can make a density column with many liquid layers using common household liquids. This is an easy, fun and colorful science project that illustrates the concept of density. Density Column Materials You can use some or all of these liquids, depending on how many layers you want and which materials you have handy. These liquids are listed from most-dense to least-dense, so this is the order in which you pour them into the column. HoneyCorn syrup or pancake syrupLiquid dishwashing soapWater (can be colored with food coloring)Vegetable oilRubbing alcohol (can be colored with food coloring)Lamp oil Make the Density Column Pour your heaviest liquid into the center of whatever container you are using to make your column. If you can avoid it, dont let the first liquid run down the side of the the container because the first liquid is thick enough it will probably stick to the side so your column wont end up as pretty. Carefully pour the next liquid you are using down the side of the container. Another way to add the liquid is to pour it over the back of a spoon. Continue adding liquids until you have completed your density column. At this point, you can use the column as a decoration. Try to avoid bumping the container or mixing its contents. The hardest liquids to deal with are the water, vegetable oil, and rubbing alcohol. Make sure that there is an even layer of oil before you add the alcohol because if there is a break in that surface or if you pour the alcohol so that it dips below the oil layer into the water then the two liquids will mix. If you take your time, this problem can be avoided. How the Density Column Works You made your column by pouring the heaviest liquid into the glass first, followed by the next-heaviest liquid, etc. The heaviest liquid has the most mass per unit volume or the highest density. Some of the liquids dont mix because they repel each other (oil and water). Other liquids resist mixing because they are thick or viscous. Eventually some of the liquids of your column will mix together.

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Overview of the Legitimization and the Improvement of Drug Rules in America

An Overview of the Legitimization and the Improvement of Drug Rules in America Reforming Americas Drug Policies. An extremely controversial question lingers among citizens and government officials of the United States today. Should drugs be legalized ? Is the War on Drugs working ? After thoroughly researching this topic and understanding each side of the argument, I can easily state that the War on Drugs is not working, and the United States government has taken the wrong approach on handling drugs in the United States. Although it may seem as a problematic solution to some Americans, the legalization (and regulation, of course) of drugs is the only way to solve the issues caused by the newly founded War on Drugs. Legalization will not only halt the wasteful, ineffective War on Drugs, but it will help the United States economy, and solve the over crowding problems in our jails and legal systems that are caused by this war that was begun for the nations public health(Harris 1). Despite the strong opposing arguments, many disagree with this opinion. Many people say the War on Drugs is working, and no benefits can result from legalizing drugs. Drugs are looked down upon, and some are known to be very dangerous, even lethal if abused. In addition, some say drug use rates would only increase if legalized, causing even more problems among our communities. Most people would assume drugs would be more readily available to our youth, and addicts would just be able to get the drugs they crave easier. It is easy to assume things such as this when hearing that legalization is the solution to our nations drug problems, but these assumptions are indeed wrong. When government and health officials in our country became aware of some of the problems certain drug users were going through, such as drug abuse, violence, and death, the officials in our government began to make more and more laws restricting drugs in the United States. These resulted in the prohibition of drugs, making all drugs illegal to posses, manufacture, or distribute (Schaffer 3). Then Nixon declared war on all drugs, and the War on Drugs began, becoming increasingly worse as the years progressed. Under Nixons orders, drug laws became stricter, and efforts were made to try and influence the American population not to do drugs. Lies and propaganda were used in commercials, while outrageous claims were being made to scare people away from drugs (Harris 2). Right away, problems were being caused. The US prison population was relatively stable from about 1926, when figures were first compiled, through 1970. After this point, the effects of Nixons war against drugs, and later t he Reagan and Bush war against drugs, produced a dramatic increase in the number of prisoners. (Schaffer 39). Today, this problem has progressed and has become even worse. There are currently about 1.5 million people in state and Federal prisons and jails throughout the United States. At the current time, at least 24 states are under Federal court orders to relieve prison overcrowding.(Schaffer 39) Despite these high numbers of prisoners that resulted from the War on Drugs, about 10 million Americans are casual drug users (Schaffer 4). These statistics clearly show that a large portion of Americans still use drugs, despite the strict laws that make them illegal. Despite the $15 billion spent on drug use prevention every year, most Americans agree that it is not working (Schaffer 5). American citizens are not the only ones holding the opinion that the war is not working. Official reports state that the war on drugs has reduced the American supply of drugs 10 to 15 percent. However, f ormer San Jose Police Chief Joseph McNamara told New York Magazine, Off the record, [the Drug Enforcement Agency says] its more like one percent.'(Schaffer 32). In addition to the War on Drugs being ineffective, the legalization of drugs will not only eliminate that problem, but it will eliminate other problems caused by the prohibition of drugs. One huge problem in our government today is the money wasted on trying to enforce these drug laws. Jails are also becoming overcrowded, clogging our court systems, and wasting even more money. Some people think that it is good that many convicts go to jail, because it eliminates the violence that supposedly is linked to illegal drugs. Violence is not linked to the use of illegal drugs, and it is only caused by the prohibition. Of all psychoactive substances, alcohol is the only one whose consumption has been shown to commonly increase aggression.(Harris 7). All major authorities agree that the vast majority of drug-related violent crime is caused by the prohibition against drugs, rather than the drugs themselves. This was the same situation which was true during alcohol Prohibition. Alcohol Prohibit ion gave rise to a violent criminal organization. Violent crime dropped 65 percent in the year Prohibition was repealed (Schaffer 12). It is obvious that the prohibition against drugs is the problem, and not the drugs themselves. The violence caused by prohibition is apparent in drug marketing, such as disputes among rival distributors, arguments and robberies involving buyers and sellers, property crimes committed to raise drug money and, more speculatively, social and economic interactions between the illegal markets and the surrounding communities (Schaffer 26). Additionally, the money spent each year on this war could be saved, and used more productively. If the governments of America didnt have to spend so much money on putting drug offenders in jail and making efforts to reduce drug use, they could more wisely use the money on putting more serious criminals in jail. The money could also be used to help more drug abusers with their problems. One way to save much of the money sp ent on the war would directly result from less citizens being put in jail for drug offences. State prisons are so crowded, that at least 24 states are under Federal court orders to relieve prison overcrowding. On average, it costs thirty thousand dollars a year to hold one prisoner in a jail (Schaffer 24). The cost to put a single drug dealer in jail is about $450,000. The same $450,000 can provide treatment or education for about 200 people. In addition, putting a person in prison produces about fifteen dollars in related welfare costs, for every dollar spent on incarceration. Every dollar spent on treatment and education saves about five dollars in related welfare costs. (Schaffer 19). Legalization clearly demonstrates benefits that outweigh any negative effect in this situation, and this can lead to making our communities much better places. Not only would the people of our country gain from legalization of drugs, but our countrys economy would as well. The best analysis done to date by any Federal official shows that legalization of the now illegal drugs would result in a net $37 Billion annual savings. This estimate is considered conservative. That is, it is likely that the savings would be more (Schaffer 18). One important substance that would aid in the boost of our economy is marijuana, or the hemp plant. Hemp is cheaper to produce than cotton, and has many more uses and benefits than cotton does. Growing hemp plants as a cash crop would provide many jobs, and prove to be a large, profitable industry (Gieringer 4). Not only will marijuana be used as a cash crop, but it can also be sold to many Americans, with regulations such as those for alcohol. Substances would be safe because they would come from plausible drug companies, it would eliminate dealers from trying to sell drugs, and it would also be taxable, generat ing money for the government. Marijuana legalization offers an important advantage over decriminalization in that it allows for legal distribution and taxation of cannabis.(Gieringer 5) Also, by eliminating dealers and placing regulations on the substance like those on alcohol, marijuana would also be harder for the youth to get a hold of (Gieringer 7). Altogether, legalization would save the taxpayers around $8 $16 billion, not counting the economic benefits of hemp agriculture and other spin-off industries (Gieringer 8). There are clear positive effects on our economy that could result from the legalization of drugs, or even marijuana alone. The legalization of drugs may seem to be a solution that would only cause more problems in our society, and it may seem that drug use would only increase. However, by making all drugs illegal, the government has taken the wrong approach on solving our nations drug issues. The War on Drugs has proven to only more problems in our society, and these problems can and should be eliminated. There are far too many benefits of legalizing drugs for our countrys laws to remain as they are. Not only is the drug war ineffective, but has caused our jails to become overcrowded. It has also brought violence among our nation with the drug traffickers that smuggle drugs into the country and distribute them. The sixty seven billion dollars that is spent each year on the war on drugs can be used more productively by solving many of our nations other problems, in turn making our country a better place to be.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Industrial Relations in Australia College Essay

Industrial Relations in Australia College - Essay Example Strong economic performance and high standards of living in the life of Australia have owed their tribute to the significant legislative reforms of the work place legislation in the work place relation system. The reforms within the workplace relation has helped to achieve high productivity and a positive growth in wage. Lower rates of industrial disputation has also been an effect of work place relations act. More reforms to increase flexibility and choice for employers and employees in the workplace is a subject of current target. This is due to the fact that other work place relations reform are being preserved by the government as being vital to come up with a legislative frame work relevant to Australia modern work place and the changing nature of work. (Reams, 1994, 101-104). Essentially, this is aimed at increasing Australia economic growth and international competitiveness relative to other regions in the world. The governing role of workplace in Australia is an effort of both the federal and the state legislation. The government of Australia has been fully empowered to make laws about workplace relations governing a range of circumstances including in-relations to Saccos such as; preventing and settling interstate industrial disputes, foreign corporations and trading, alternatively described as financial corporations within Australia, commonwealth employees, interstate and commerce employees in Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. (Irwin, 2001, 106-109). Federal legislations is liable to prevail without inconsistence incase of a situation where the inconsistence is sited between federal and the state legislation in the past disputes between the employers and employees in Australia was a common occurrence requiring the intervention of the federal and state government. This situation at the current has been surmounted by the formation of the Australia Industrial Relation Commission. The positive contribution of this legislation and commission is immensely out spoken. It is at current automatic that Australia work force relation is no longer relying on external intervention in their deliberations but rather to the other side of encouraging employers and employees to reach agreements at the workplace level or at the business enterprise level, which is the principle target of the government. (Lengwwa, Flinterman, 1988, 22-25). The workplace relations' act (1996) played substantial role towards this target: there has been less reliance on wide ranging (Awards) by industrial tribunals for determining pay and conditions of employment. It has also encouraged agreements making at the work place level or business enterprise level and therefore it has become the main way to follow in deliberation towards the determination of the and conditions for the employees within the federal workplace relation systems. (Bischoff, 1985, 93-95). The effectiveness of workplace relations' act of 1996 as rendered Awards merely a sieve of minimum wages and employees' conditions rather than its initial role of determination and prescription

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Equity and Trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Equity and Trusts - Essay Example Because of the implementation of the principles of equity, the concept of Trust was invented. Trust is said to apply in circumstances in which an individual places his/her trust in another person to run his/her affairs2. Such relationships based on trust are fully governed by the principles of Equity. The concept and principles of trust have since been used in the legal system to handle a number of situations particularly those dealing with pension funds, charities and family relationships among others. There are certain technical terms that one must be conversant with for the best understanding of the concepts of Equity and Trust. Among these terms are proprietary estoppels, secret trust and fiduciary, purpose trust, fixed trust, discretionary trust, resulting trust charitable trusts, personal remedies and constructive trusts. Similarly, it is vital that all the elements of cases related to trust and equity such as proprietary estoppel should be clearly understood and determined. Among the cases that have emphasized the relevance and applications of Equity and Trust in the legal system is Thorner versus Major [2009] UKHL 18, [2009] 1 WLR 776 which this paper explores among other related cases decided earlier. There are certain elements that must be addressed, understood and proved for a proprietary estoppel claim to be successful. First, proprietary estoppel refers to legal claims built on the basis of any rights to possess, inherit or use a property such as land and house3. These claims are mostly caused by disputed transfers upon the death of the owner of the property in question. There are numerous steps or stages into which proprietary estoppel may be divided, more so regarding the causes of these estoppels. Foremost, a party or an individual may represent or assure the other that he/she intends to transfer the ownership of a property without any legal effects or

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Displaced Person and Host Country Essay Example for Free

Displaced Person and Host Country Essay Canada is amongst many countries known as a refugee-friendly country. From the early 20th century, during the World Wars to other world crises, these countries have opened their doors to people fleeing their home countries for reasons of poverty, persecution and violence. However, the host countries that receive refugees claim to be taxed or stressed because of misperception that refugees are a drain on the social system. Consequently, the refugees lose their own home of origin while at the same time; do not entirely fit in to the host country. The purpose of this paper will be to highlight some of the difficult coping issues that refugees have upon being forced to leave their country of origin. First, the term ‘refugee’ will be described and explained. Second, the major issues of adjustment for refugees will be discussed. Third, some of the overall support services will be described. Finally, the paper will offer an alternate perspective on improving services for refugees around the world. Review of Literature Background of Topic Definition. Refugees are people who arrive to a host country because they are facing persecution based on a membership in a particular racial, ethnic, political or religious group. People in need of protection are those who are facing a threat, torture or other form of violence in their homeland. People who seek for refuge are entitled to stay in the host country, look for employment, and receive social benefits until the government determines their claim for refugee status. For example, Canada, as a host country has an international reputation with a benevolent immigration laws, and it offers a great protection to refugees. Canada has, to some extent, been created by immigration. Therefore, it has a solid practice of allowing protection to those who meet the definition of refugee. This tradition is linked to humanitarianism, which is a value that Canadians as individuals, are willing to honor by upholding the country’s commitment to provide asylum to those fleeing persecution. ( Perrin Dunn, 2007) Statistics. It is estimated that more that 25 million people are forced to flee their home country due to persecution and threats (Partida, 1996). An estimated of 7. 6 million people were newly displaced on 2012 due to conflict or persecution, including 1. 1 million new refugees, the highest number of new arrivals in one year since 1999. Another 6. 5 million people were newly displaced within the borders of their countries. Twenty three- thousand persons per day leave their homes and seek protection in other places around the world (Newbold, 2012). Why people seek refugee status. Many people around the world are seeking for refuge due to the destruction of their homeland; the global warming and the rising of the sea levels are leaving people with no food and potable water. The weather conditions are menacing the current habitability of the country. Many of these countries depend on the farming and fishing in order for people to survive. Therefore, they need to flee their homeland and ask for refuge in other countries (Moberg, 2009). Also, many of the displaced people are forced to leave because of human right violations and threats. Many others have endured traumatic experiences, such as the genocide of 1994 in Rwanda. Another example is Sudan, where the conflict between North and South Sudan is caused by racial, religion, cultural and political differences that have exploited the civilians. Moreover, refuges have experienced torture including physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, depravations, burns and even witnessing the death of their loved ones (Amnesty International, 1990). Specific Impact Issues Coping. Resettlement is a chance for refugees to reconstruct their lives due to the past experiences of violence, persecution and the loss of family and home in their former home country. There are, however, major objections in the process of coping in a new country and a new culture. Refugees struggle to adapt into a new life style, language, and new education because it is different from their own culture (Pittaway Shteir, 2009). Also, refugees experience prejudice and discrimination by the host community and this may discourage them from seeking and receiving services from the host country. In fact, many of them feel the rejection and the lack of acceptance, leaving the refugees with the feeling of not belonging (Korcija-Hercigonja Rijavec, 1998). Stress. Many refugees have been exposed to major stressors due to the trauma in their former homeland leaving them with a lot of stress and prone to more severe mental health problems (Teodorescu, Heir, Hauff, Wentzel-Larsen, Lien). Moreover, refugees experience economic difficulties after they have been granted refugee status. For example, 55% of refugees were still dependent on social assistance to some extent eight years after their arrival. There is also evidence of an interaction between posttraumatic and acculturative stress, that is, refugees with a history of trauma can be expected to have more difficulties in the course of acculturation than those without a history of trauma (Hammarstedt, 2009). Homelessness. The experience of homelessness in refugees does not start in the host country. Most of the refugees have being homeless in their country of origin, and that is the major reason they flee their homeland (Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors Inc. , 2008). Less than 10% of refugee people successfully access public housing in the first 18 months of resettlement, and housing options are frequently inappropriate for the culture of a refugee person. Also, the market rent is not affordable for the refugees and the waiting list for subsidies housing are very long and the only options are shelters. Shelter usage is not only at the arrival to the host country but may be an indicator of housing problem among the refugees (Sherrell, D’Addario Hiebert). Poverty. Refugees face poverty in ways that are similar to other marginalized groups in a host society. These include: low income, problems with access to services, lack of access to well-paid employment and challenging attitudes to those living on a low income (Mulvey, 2009). However, refugees have additional problems such as: lower levels of benefits than the general population, do not pay rent, and are dependent on the provision of housing and energy costs through social assistance. This period is a particularly vulnerable time for new refugees because they have to make the transition from complete dependency to the responsibility of negotiating the complex housing, health benefits system, and paying for energy costs. Restrictions on employment for refugee claimants are seen as contributing to the risk of poverty (Mulvey, 2009). Major Services Approaches Psychotherapy. Many refugees are victims of war-related and past experiences leaving them with a post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychotherapy is the interactive process between a person or group and a qualified mental health professional, and its purpose is the exploration of thoughts, feelings and behavior for the purpose of problem solving or achieving higher levels of functioning (Cinfuegos Monelli, 1983). Loving- Kindness Treatment. Is a Buddhism practice, and it is defined as being aware of the present and performing Loving- Kindness everywhere you go. This is a treatment that is used to reduce stress due to post-traumatic experiences. The treatment emphasizes in emotion techniques such as mindfulness. This practice is use to regulate emotions, and decrease anger. The practice of Loving- Kindness is a key skill that better equips refugees to adjust to a new social, and cultural environment (Hoffman Sawyer, 2012). Community Services. Focuses on providing care for the basic needs for refugees as newcomers in the host country. For example, community services might include ESL programs (English as a Second Language), which help to reduce the language barrier in their host society. Another is government social assistance, which will help to empower refugees to become independent and prepares them for the skills needed for the workforce (Bakewell, 2003). Implication of Services Critique of Services Benefits of Psychotherapy. Refugees who seek psychotherapy will obtain better results because it helps them to identify the key issues and emotional triggers that prevent or blocks their mental state in order for them to cope in their new environment. It will also facilitate the process in order for them to become more mentally stable to continue their adjustment into the host country. Therefore, they can succeed in their learning development and workforce skills that will help them establish themselves, emotionally and mentally, as human beings in their community. As a consequence, they will achieve higher levels of living and functioning in their homes, as a family unit, as well as with individuals among their surroundings. Drawbacks of Psychotherapy. The issue with psychotherapy treatment is that refugees might not be open nor disclose enough from their past experiences, due to their traumatic mental damage in their former homeland. On the other end, the therapists may lack knowledge about what the refugees have gone through in their past, which could slow down or worsen the healing process, that might result in a wrong diagnosis. Moreover, it can lead the refugees to be dependable on the treatment and unable to handle his or her challenges. The refuges may see the therapists as a hero and therefore fall into a dual relationship and as an outcome, a failed treatment. Improvement of Psychotherapy. Refugees have a significantly major mental health problem. Therefore, the host country should be able to provide an effective mental health intervention, which includes the use of bilingual and culture-educated staff and training in disorders associated with the immigrant experience, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD). If the therapist is well trained and speaks the language of the refugee, this will help the client to communicate better, therefore the treatment will be more accurate and effective. Benefits of Loving-Kindness Treatment. There are many benefits of the Loving-Kindness treatment. One of them is it reduces stress due to past experiences. It helps the refugees to focus on the present and be able to forget traumatic memories. It facilitates them to cope into their new environment and be able to socialize in their surroundings. It also brings peace of mind in order for them to function as normal civilians. Drawbacks of Loving-Kindness Treatment. One of the main drawbacks of this treatment is that it may seem as a religion and not all refugees would be open to receive it, therefore the treatment would not be effective for all cultures, only for those who believe in the treatment. Another problem is that in the moment of the treatment, it can bring bad memories, anxiety, and anger episodes because the refugees have to address their past experiences in order for them to focus on the present. In addition, the treatment is a short-term relief but a long-term process because the refugees must continue until it has become a pattern behavior. Improvements of Loving-Kindness Treatment. It is very important for the improvement of the Loving-Kindness treatment to incorporate other culturally accepted techniques and methods into the healing process that will be more accepted among refugees around the world. By including other methods of treatment, the process will be faster and effective. Benefits of Community Service. The community service that the host country offers to the refugees helps them to adjust effortlessly into their environment by empowering them to adapt rapidly into the new culture. In addition, it will facilitate the refugees to establish themselves and socialize into the community. For example, language-learning programs will help them to learn the language of the host country in order to be able to have better paying jobs, better education, and an easier adaption. At the same time, community service programs help refugees to learn how to finally have stability, because many of them have never experienced peace of mind in their homes and in their lives. Another benefit is that these services will help the refugee to cope and to some extent erase the traumatic memories by creating new ones and changing their pattern mental behaviors. Drawbacks of Community Service. The negative aspect of these services is that many times there are unattainable requirements that may not be applicable or appropriate for the new refugees. For example, some agencies require proper identification in order for them to receive assistance, however, at the arrival into the host country, the border retains the refugee documentation that will be given at the end of the refugee claimant process. Therefore, this will delay the time to obtain proper identification from the host country. As a result, it will stop the agency to provide the correct assistance to the refugee in their time of need. Another drawback is that instead of the refugee to be empowered to develop the skills needed to adapt, they may become dependable on the assistance of community service of the host country. For example, a refugee might depend on monetary assistance and not search for employment or education that eventually would lead to self-sufficiency. Improvements of Community Service. One of the improvements of the community services is to not blame the refugees for not integrating into the host country culture, such as not speaking the language fast enough, having low levels of education, or not being self-sufficient. The community should be more understanding about the refugee’s traumatic stress that may make the learning process longer and foremost, the refugees need to be mentally stable before integrating and learning can begin. The community should implement more educational programs into the host community about the culture and experiences of refugees so that they may help the refugee to integrate and adapt into the new culture. Also, the community services should be able to create more programs that speak the language of the refugee because this will help them to understand the programs in order for them to advance in the growing process. Conclusion In conclusion, this paper has provided a better knowledge of who a refugee is, why they seek protection, the challenges that refugees face upon the arrival into the host country, the approaches and services to address these challenges and finally the critiques of these services and what is needed to improve them. The purpose of this paper is for the host community to be more aware of the issues that a refugee goes through, in order for them to better understand and assist the refugees to become part of the culture and help them grow as human beings, in the midst of the process of healing from their past trauma. The question is whether the host country and its citizens will be willing to make the changes and efforts required to improve the process of refugee claimants around the world.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Plagiarism: A Very Serious Offense :: Education Teaching

Plagiarism: A Very Serious Offense Plagiarism is a very serious subject to talk about. It doesn’t sound like it is that big of a deal but very serious things can come out of it. Students could lose scholarships and get kicked out of school for something as simple as copying someone else’s work. Students should learn the rules and regulations of the school ,that they are attending, about plagiarism.[1] That’s basically what plagiarism is; copying someone else’s work. The true definition of plagiarism is â€Å"Using someone else’s ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas or phrasing as our own, either on purpose or through carelessness.†[2] There are many different ways of remedying this problem. One way to fix this situation is to paraphrase and that is to really put the information that one may obtain into his or her own words. This way can be a double-edged sword, so to speak. Putting someone else’s ideas into your own words can be very tricky, because if one follows the original material to closely it is considered plagiarism. Only if the paraphrase correctly says the same thing as the original in the student’s own words is the paraphrase not thought to be plagiarism. Another way to correct plagiarism is to quote and give credit where credit is due. If the student takes someone’s own words and uses them in a paper he or she better put quotation marks around the quote and disclose to whom the quote belonged to. The last thing a student can do to avoid plagiarism is to check over their paraphrasing and quoting to make sure that they haven’t missed anything that may make their paper violate the plagiarism rule. Always cite sources used to gather information and sources used to incorporate graphs, tables, and etc. into the paper. There are many reasons why students choose to plagiarize. These students in general are students that seem to procrastinate or do the easiest thing possible which is to just copy something from someone who has already done their research on the subject.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Do Cell Phones Affect Society? Essay

Mobile phones have changed how we negotiate our relationships with family, spouses and close friends. Increased levels of mobile phone subscriptions are linked with improvements in education, gender equality and political participation, particularly in developing countries. They are also associated with higher economic growth. These are among the findings of a research report by the Cologne Institute for Economic Research, which explores the ways in which mobile technologies influence economics, society and people’s private lives across 10 countries – the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, China, India, Turkey, Egypt, Kenya and South Africa. The report – ‘Mobile Technologies: The Digital Fabric of Our Lives’, commissioned and published by the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications – bases its findings on numerous sources, including interviews with 10 top academic researchers and a worldwide survey of Vodafone country experts. Among the findings: Relationships: Mobile phones have altered our relationships with family, spouses and close friends. But while they seem to promise a wider social network, more than half of the average person’s calls and texts go to only four to six different people. Health: Mobile phones significantly help to maintain physical and psychological health when family members move away from home. And they enable women to maintain three roles within the household, simultaneously being wives, mothers and wage earners. Political participation: More mobile phone subscriptions are correlated with more democratic participation, less gender inequality and longer time spent in education. In all three areas, the impact of mobiles on social development indicators is stronger in developing countries. Economic growth: Mobile technologies contribute significantly to GDP growth, with a forecast range of between 1. 8% in the UK and 24. 9% in Egypt over the years 2010-2020, compared with today’s GDP. Again, the effects will be larger in developing countries.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Quest for Identity - Of Mice and Men essays

A Quest for Identity - Of Mice and Men essays In both John Steinbecks novel and the Gary Sinise film, Of Mice and Men, the theme of a person's quest for identification is present. The two main characters build a strong friendship in search of work so they may purchase some land of their own. There are many symbols in the story that the characters attach themselves to, inexplicably, that serve as a talisman to satisfy the needs of fulfillment and help define their sense of possession or identification. In an article written by Todd M. Lieber entitled, Talismanic Patterns in the Novels of John Steinbeck, Lieber explains this idea exists as a recurrent structural pattern in almost all of Steinbecks novels, and it contributes significantly to the central themes of his work, helping to convey much that is inexplicable in his vision of man (262). Leiber goes on and writes Talismanic symbols take many and various forms in Steinbecks novels (263). Land is one of the many talismanic symbols in Of Mice and Men that drive the ambition of our main characters to set out on a quest in search of a place to call their own. In the beginning of the story, the setting is described to the readers. It foretells the more powerful symbols of the book. The main characters George and Lennie settle upon a spot between a river and the hills, beyond that are mountains that surround the valley. They decide not to go on to their job destination until morning. As they set up there spot for the night, George asks Lennie to go round up some wood for a fire. Lennie gathers wood and George builds a fire with it to prepare their bean supper. Lennie, who suffers from a mental handicap, tends to be forgetful to the fact that George has to take care of him, which fuels Georges anger into a long speech. George tells Lennie, God youre a lot of trouble, I could get along so easy and so nice if I didnt have you on my tail (S...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Summarize the article Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Summarize the article - Research Paper Example y events that configure fields enable the telling of new narratives and the way, these narratives can cause a change in organizations as well as institutional fields through domination, translation, and interpretation. Field-configuring events are such temporary social organizations that provide platforms for people to periodically assemble from diverse organizations and purposes to realize their common concerns and develop coordination among themselves. To achieve the objectives of the study, the authors collected documents on the POPs issue and a range of texts from different INC meetings. They also gathered major texts related to the Stockholm meetings as well as the DDT issue made and distributed outside meetings. This study was conducted using an exploratory case study to gather a holistic and elaborating understanding of the field-level organizational change. The rationale behind selection of this case is that it is well-documented with major texts created and distributed by the participants being mostly in the public domain. In addition to that, the conference format is useful because it represents a range of multilateral meetings conducted by many international agencies including the UN. The specific focus of the authors was upon the struggle over the practices of using DDT during this conference. DDT was selected for consideration because this chemical’s discussion was a major element of the conference that was also different from the discussions of the rest of the POPs. It seemed at the conference’s beginning that DDT would be deal with in a similar way to other POPs, but agreement upon the legal text established DDT as the only chemical that was intentionally produced with its use being restricted subject rather than eliminated to certain conditions. This is a very useful and informative article that touches upon very important topics of national as well as international concern. In spite of the fact that various limitations apply on this study,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Socrates' Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Socrates' Death - Essay Example It is against this backdrop that the dikasts sentence Socrates to death by drinking a conium-laced concoction. Rebutting Socrates’ Position Socrates’ appeal that in his philosophical lectures to the youth on the nature and essence of virtue as a way of directing them to be examined, ethical life does not suffice. Calling people to examined and moral lives does not require the ignoble lampooning of the Athenian pantheon of gods. Socrates was fully aware that the Athenians heavily depended on their many deities since Athenians had assigned every force of nature or the environment to a given deity; yet he proceeded to malign these gods. In an instance, he charged publicly that contrary to Athenians’ beliefs, the gods could act neither morally nor whimsically. Given that the youth formed the majority of his audience and public lectures, it was obvious that Socrates was inspiring the youth towards socio-cultural disobedience. The legitimacy or illegitimacy of the gods that Socrates preached against in this case does not matter: what matters most is that the religious system existed to foster communal good, unity and continuity. By extension, Socrates in his teaching was threatening the very unity and continuity of the Athenian community (Blyth, 2000). ... on and politics were not divided in the Athenian total way of life, Socrates proceeded to advance his stand against the collective and ritualistic views of religion by not participating in these rituals. Socrates was aware that the rulers were considered spokespersons of these deities and thus, by attacking these gods, he was actually disparaging the Athenian oligarchy and political order. The consequences were dire as he indeed knew, but he trudged on with his impious agenda. Thus, Socrates was not only advancing an antireligious onslaught on the Athenian culture but also on Athens’ political stability. Alongside serving in the military (Ephebos) and getting an education, a good citizen of ancient Athens was supposed to exercise his religious duties. Socrates does not observe the religious duties that he owes Athenians fully. Instead, he contravenes this expectation by introducing other gods to the youth and his larger audience. While Socrates is categorical that the sun and moon are inanimate bodies in lieu of Athenian gods, he implies that he believes in gods other than the Athenians’. Socrates also confirms this as he answers Meletus in his unapologetic three hour defense. According to Miller (2000), these concepts underlie contemporary perspectives, except that they are treated as rights and freedoms in lieu of duties. Presently, democracies insist that all have a right to education, the freedom of association and conscience (religious affiliation and beliefs and any career or profession, including the military). The advantage of the contemporary view is that plurality of views in politics and religion is preserved. The shortcoming of this view is that many have not been able to tinker their democratic freedoms and rights with personal responsibilities.